The Soul of a Leader. Character, Conviction and Ten Lessons in Political Greatness.
Political scientist, philosopher, and former member of the Reagan transition team, Waller R. Newell, looks in his book "A Soul of a Leader" for the qualities of a leader by researching "great men (and great villains) in history". 2008, so his claim, shows a generational change in political leadership - time to look back at those leaders (from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to George W. Bush) who are just now replaced by a new generation and to look even further back to Lincoln and even back to the Greek Antique, at Perikles and Thucydides for inspiration.
„War in particular is a major theme uniting the discussion of all the leaders, for a leader`s ability to weigh the threat of war, the desirability of maintaining peace, and the need to defend one`s country or one`s allies turns out to be among the most important tests of leadership, and the one that calls upon leaders to make the most of their talents, their stamina, their patience, and their ability to inspire others.” [p.26]
“the importance of the rhetoric in a democracy – where public opinion must be won over and shaped – accompanied by the corresponding danger of demagoguery”
[p. 214]Abstract:
Political scientist, philosopher, and former member of the Reagan transition team, Waller R. Newell, looks in his book "A Soul of a Leader" for the qualities of a leader by researching "great men (and great villains) in history". 2008, so his claim, shows a generational change in political leadership - time to look back at those leaders (from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to George W. Bush) who are just now replaced by a new generation and to look even further back to Lincoln and even back to the Greek Antique, at Perikles and Thucydides for inspiration.
Key-Words: 10 secrets of political leadership
Definition of Leadership: Leadership as a constant moral struggle of ambitious men between seeking honour and seeking power.
- secrets of political leadership:
- character trumps brain – or at least formal education
- inspiring rhetoric is necessary – but only in moderation
- moral conviction is necessary – but only in moderation
- a leader embodies the times … “when a leader finds his moment we feel we already know him”
- a leader must have two or three main goals, and not try to do too much
- time will run out “mortality is something no focus group or spin doctor can overcome.” [p.323]
- history will choose its leaders
- the great leader wants power badly – but not too badly
- greatness can turn out to be villainy
- the great leader must be prepared to ignore all of the above
- the United States as direct successor of ancient Greek democracy
They have to live with the tension between keeping democratic values and staying a dominant international power. They have to fight just wars.
“But it is therefore all the more striking how consistent the dilemmas of statesmanship remain, and the importance of the human factors of character, prudence and resolve in coming to grips with them.” [p.216]
- War as the real touchstone of human greatness
Critique: Newell's historical analysis of the risks and chances concerning political leadership within a superpower disappoints in presenting a new, a fresh view into the "soul of a leader" but it gives an interesting insight into the conservative soul of America.
Assessment: controversial - revisionist (Nixon/Vietnam war)